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Joy In Art Watercolour Open Exhibition 2023

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​***For works that have not been selected, we will have other arrangements later, so stay tuned!

Watercolour has been one of the long-loved painting medium in HK, where we have been known as a shining Pearl of Orient.  Through this event, we would like to invite you, Watercolour enthusiasts,  to show and inspire Art lovers all around the world through your palette of watercolour to let people see the beauty of both Watercolour and Hong Kong.

Event Details

Topics for creation “People, Bonds and Charm of Hong Kong”. 

Participants can select one of the three topics in each individual enrolment.

  1. People of Hong Kong,

  2. Bonds of Hong Kong and

  3. Charm of Hong Kong

to create a watercolour artwork.  A Judging panel composed of Hong Kong and International Watercolour Masters will select 20 pieces of artworks from each of the three topics.  Total 60 pieces of selected artworks will be exhibited in June together with the artworks from Watercolour Master of Hong Kong and Abroad.

Guidelines for the Topics


People of HK– Beyond Lionrock Mountain, regardless your nations or social classes, we are living in harmony, supporting each other, building our Hong Kong of today.  Let this tiny place fill with endless warmth and love.

Bonds of HK – This small piece of land has transformed from a fishing village to a metropolitan.   Inhabited with public housing to prestige condominium. The relationship in this community is wide and deep, penetrated with energetic and encouraging Bonding which carries stories and colours.

Charm of Hong Kong – East meets with West, Traditional blended with Modern, the unique Charm of Hong Kong is fabulously unlimited.

Exhibition Information

Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre

7A Kennedy Road above Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Exhibition Dates: 7th - 12rd June, 2023

Award Ceremony: 10th Juna, 2023

PMQ - Loupe Exhibition Centre

Thank you Loupe for the venue sponsor

PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Hong Kong, 

Exhibition Dates: 15th June -31st July, 2023

Owing to many participants, our judges have to go through times evaluations to work out below 60 shortlist, congraturations to these 60 participants who will join our exhibitions listed above. 

For those not able to join our above exhibitions, please keep close checking on this page, we will announce a surprise to you !

60 shortlist:

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60 Shortlist

Format and Submission Requirements

  1. Sizes of the artwork must be one of the three below, participants can choose to paint on Portrait or Landscape
    a. 510mm x 360mm
    b. 380mm x 280mm
    c. 540mm x 192.5mm

  2. No personal information can be posted on the front and back of the artwork.

  3. All submissions must be painted with Watecolour on paper, all other media on different material will not be accepted.

  4. Violations of the above will be disqualified immediately without further notice.​​​


Gifts pack for all participants

  1. Baohong Watecolour Paper Trial sets
    a. 2 pieces of Artist Grade 100% pure cotton watecolour paper, 510mm x 360mm
    b. 2 pieces of Artist Grade 100% pure cotton watecolour paper, 380mm x 280mm
    c. 2 pieces of Academy Grade 100% pure cotton watecolour paper, 540mm x 192.5mm

  2. Daniel Smith Watecolour Dot Card

  3. People, Bonding, Charm of Hong Kong booklet​​​

More Rewards for participants of the 60 selected artwork

  1. Selected Artworks will be combined into “People, Bonds, Charm of Hong Kong” album, which will be sold and distributed to Major Bookshops, University, Colleges, Libraries in HK and oversea entities.

  2. Daniel Smith Daniel Smith Mineral Watercolor Mixing Set 

  3. Artwork will be exhibited together with the watecolour artwork from Watecolour Masters of HK and Oversea.

  4. Be invited to join the Grand Opening of the 1st Joy in Art Watecolour exhibition

  5. Exhibit in Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre ( 7th-12rd June, 2023 )

  6. Exhibit in PMQ- Loupe Exhibition Centre ( 15th June -31st July, 2023 )


Time Line


There are local Hong Kong Judges together with Oversea Judges, we need both Original and Digital version of participant’s artwork for selection and exhibition purpose.

Please submit:

  1. Original artwork together with a brief of your artwork in the provided form to Joy in Art Retail Shop.  The brief must be less 100 words ( prefer in both English and Chinese version)

  2. Digital format of your artwork in jpg format with file size less than 10Mb, minimum 1280 x 720 pixel and 300dpi or above.  You can find the submission link on our webpage, (for details, please click here).

  3. The File name must be the partition ID, that is the seven digits of the invoice number Joy in Art has sent to participant after enrolment.  (for details, please click here)

  4. no personal details should be marked or submit in any form with the artwork, failing to comply will lead to disqualification.


Terms and conditions:

  1. All participants are considered to accepting the terms and conditions listed herein once they have enrolled for the event.  Joy in Art reserve all rights for final decision on the details of the terms and conditions, judging results and prizes arrangement.  No prior notice shall be made to any changes to the terms and conditions.  All changes will be updated on our webpage.

  2. Sizes of the artwork must be one of the three below, participants can choose to paint on Portrait or Landscape

  3. 510mm x 360mm

  4. 380mm x 280mm

  5. 540mm x 192.5mm

  6. All submissions should be painted with Watecolour on paper, different type of material will not be accepted e.g digital paintings.

  7. All submissions must be original creation of the participant.

  8. Participants ID is the 7 digits of the INVOICE NUMBER of the enrolment.  Each enrolment will be listed on one invoice only.

  9. Each participant ID is entitled to one submission.

  10. Participants are not allowed to enrol more than one submission.

  11. Deadline for enrolment and submission is 31st Mar, 2023

  12. All submissions for both Original and Digital format must be made on or before deadline, 31st Mar, 2023

  13. Participant must submit original artwork together with a brief of the artwork to Joy in Art Retail Shop.  The brief should be within 100 words and filled in the provided form preferable in both English and Chinese.

  14. Participant must submit digital format of the artwork in jpg format with file size less than 10Mb, minimum 1280 x 720 pixel and 300dpi or above.  Participant can find the submission link on our webpage, (for details, please click here).

  15. File name of the digital submission must be the partition ID of that particular enrolment, that is the seven digits of the invoice number Joy in Art has sent to participant after enrolment.  (for details, please click here)

  16. no personal details should be mark or submit in any form with the artwork, failing to comply will lead to disqualification.

  17. Location for original artwork submission : Unit 615, 6/F, Tung Lee Industrial Building, 9 Lai Yip Street, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  18. The Artworks must not be derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, disparaging, libellous or contain any content that is unlawful, inappropriate, indecent, sexual, profane, tortuous, slanderous, discriminatory in any way, or that promotes hatred or harm against any group or person.

  19. Failing to comply the above will lead to disqualification of the enrolment, no further notice, or return, or refund will be made for the disqualified enrolment.

  20. Participants are responsible for framing your own exhibition artwork based on the framing guidelines from Joy In Art which will be distributed on our website in later stage.

  21. By entering the Event, Applicant agrees to release and hold Joy in Art, the Judges and all of it’s affiliates harmless from any liability, loss, litigation, claim or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not regarding all the damages, lost of the participants’ original artwork.

  22. By enrolling the event and providing your original artwork, you understand and agree that Joy in Art shall have the right, where permitted by law, to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, in perpetuity and throughout the world, without limitation on your artwork, artwork brief and your name and without any further compensation, notices, review, or consent.

  23. By end of the event, participants must collect the orginals from Joy in Art Retail Shop in person within the allowed time.  After the expiration of the collection period, all artwork and related materials will be destroyed without further notice.

"Gift Redemption" & "Submission of Artwork" Location

Room 615, 6/F, Tung Lee Building, 9 Lai Yip Street, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon

Phone: 2780 3880

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri : 10:00am - 18:30pm

Lunch Hour: 13:30pm - 14:30pm

Sat - Sun: 14:30pm - 18:30pm

Public Holiday : Close

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Q.01) Inquiry your Individual Participation number

1.) Open Email "New Invoice from Joy In Art",

2.) Click "View Invoice",

3.) The 7-digit number of your Invoice is your personal participation number.

查詢個人參加編號221230_工作區域 1.jpg

Q.02) How to pay by credit card:

When payment, choose Paypal, fill in the information and press the next step, and choose "Pay with debit card or credit card".

查詢個人參加編號230103_工作區域 1 複本.jpg

Q03: Is there a limit of entry per person?

One work can be submitted for each registration, and there is no upper limit for the same participant.

Q04: In addition to submit the original work, do I need to submit online?
After registration, you can go to the event webpage or the following link to enter the online delivery:
Click Here