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Alan Cheung



他的畫作熱衷於研究及關注建築物和城市景觀的明暗。在這瞬息萬變的時代, 試圖以他的畫筆及畫紙,保護香港古老而美麗的角落。 


Joy in Art 很高興邀請到這位別出心裁的畫家,在我們的畫廊展出他的作品,一起 “眼看,手密動” 找尋香港的特色景物。

Alan is an independent creative worker, university advertising design lecturer, urban sketcher, caricature illustrator, and graphic designer. Looking into his works, he is keen on focusing on the light and dark of the buildings and the cityscape. He tries to preserve the old and beautiful corners of Hong Kong with his brush and paper. He joined “Wahayeah Sketching Group” and “Urban Sketchers Hong Kong” in 2017, thus he got addicted to urban sketching and brought back his inner soul of art.

Looking into his works, he is keen on focusing on the light and dark of the buildings and the cityscape of Hong Kong that attempts to record the old and beautiful corners of Hong Kong with his brush and paper.  


Joy in Art gallery is honored to exhibits his works to the “See, Seek, Sketch” mini solo exhibition, to seek for the sceneries of Hong Kong. 

Email us to learn more of the Artist

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Urben Sketch

​Black & White Drawing


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