第二屆 Joy in Art 水彩畫家聯展 - 活動報名頁面 (Joy in Art Watercolor Open Exhibition 2024 Enroll Page)
截止時間 On or Before: 23:59 on March 31, 2024
Joy in Art, 九龍牛頭角, 勵業街9號, 同利工業大廈, 六樓 615室
作品招募(公開組) Open Group [可參加多於一次)
公開組(18歲以上), 入選作品名額為60幅,入選名單將於2024 年4月中旬於活動網頁公佈。每次報名可遞交一幅作品,參加者可重覆報名,並可以有多於一幅或以上的作品入選,不設上限。 60 Artworks will be selected from Open Group (18 years old and above). The list of selected artworks will be announced on the event website in mid-April 2024. One work can be submitted for each registration, and participants can register repeatedly and have more than one work selected, with no upper limit.
HK$200.00Sale ended作品招募(學生組) Student [可參加多於一次]
學生組(持有政府註冊的學校學生証) ,學生組入選作品名額為20幅,入選名單將於2024 年4月中旬於活動網頁公佈。每次報名可遞交一幅作品,參加者可重覆報名,並可以有多於一幅或以上的作品入選,不設上限。 Student Group (Hong Kong and Macau students with a valid government-issued student ID). 20 Artworks will be selected from Student group. The list of selected Artworks will be announced on the event website in mid-April 2024. One work can be submitted for each registration, and participants can register repeatedly and have more than one work selected, with no upper limit.
HK$100.00Sale ended