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Phosphorescent Green is a Heavy Body paint that can be applied to various surfaces. The unique pigment used has the ability to absorb and store natural and artificial light. Once the light source is removed (i.e. when the lights are turned off or the painted object is taken into a dark area), a bright, greenish glow is emitted for up to 15 minutes. The glow steadily diminishes as the stored light energy is released. 

Phosphorescent colors have a softer consistency than most Heavy Body colors, for this reason they are available only in jars or, for High Flow fluorescent colors, bottles.


Detail product information, please visit Golden Website:

Golden Phosphorescent Green Acrylic Color 119ml Series 7-高登瓶裝夜光丙稀顏色 119ml 系列7

SKU: C1014-4900119-7-4900
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