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Max Chan

他自大專開始學習設計、視覺及電影藝術,接觸印藝及另類攝影藝術,曾舉辦多個個人展覽及參與聯展,奪得多個國際性藝術獎項,其中包括英國London International Creative Competition (LICC),美國International Photography Awards (IPA),法國Paris Photo Prize (PX3),俄羅斯Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA)等,獲國際知名時尚品牌邀請舉辦個人展覽、工作坊及推出限量產品,並於大學藝術設計系、畫廊及社福機構等教授藝術,作品獲私人收藏。
Max Chan owns a multidisciplinary background and holds a Diploma in Design, a Bachelor's Degree in Cinema & Television, a Certificate in Liberal Studies (Performing Arts), and a MA in Cultural Management. He has extensive working experience in the creative industry, like TV production, creative writing and editing, and cultural management. Recently he works as arts manager and educator.
Chan has gained formal art training in design, visual art and film art since tertiary education. He is an award-winning artist who held and joined solo and joint exhibitions, and received prizes in the London International Creative Competition (LICC), International Photography Awards (IPA), Paris Photo Prize (PX3), Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA), just to name a few. Chan was invited by global high fashion brand to hold solo exhibition, workshops and make limited edition product. He also teaches art in university, art space, galleries and NGOs. His artworks are owned by private collectors.

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導師作品 Tutors Works

課堂照片 Class Photos

導師課程 Tutors Class

  • 日期: 2月1, 8日 (星期六) 丨時間: 11:00am - 13:00pm (每堂2小時)丨 **二人同行,每位可獲贈$80 Joy in Art 現金購物券

    Starts Feb 1

    830 Hong Kong dollars

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