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小仙玉 Little Jade

香港土生土長插畫家、城市及人像速寫畫家、資深藝術及繪畫導師。小城友畫(Drawing Buddies Hong Kong) 創辦人、香港插畫師協會 (HKSI) 會員。

小仙玉從小就對繪畫非常狂熱,喜歡透過自己的作品與人們分享自己的想法和感受。小仙玉在坊間不同的非牟利組織/機構教授各式繪畫藝術,更有10多年教授特殊需要的年輕人及成年人的經驗。她相信無論其背景、文化、國籍 或語言如何,藝術都可以使人們連結在一起。

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LittleJade is a Hong Kong-based illustrator, urban sketcher and art teacher.


She not only as a drawing fanatic since childhood, but also loves to share her thoughts and feelings with people through her artworks. LittleJade is teaching art to youths and adults with special needs in the NGOs over 10 years. She believed art can let the people bring together, no matter their background, culture, nationality or language.

導師作品 Tutors Works

課堂作品 Class Photos

導師課程 Tutors Class

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