Jonas Ng
Jonas Ng 是近年被受注目的女性油畫藝術家,她的標誌性風格以充滿活力和大膽色彩描繪女性肖像,深受野獸派和表現主義的影響。 Jonas 專注於女性在平衡家庭和事業上所經歷的複雜情感。她的畫作以豐富多彩的顏色和有節奏的質感傳達她所表達的感覺。
她曾獲取Biafarin Prize 和 Biafarin Award,以及多個國際藝術比賽的榮譽獎、藝術卓越獎和決賽入圍獎。她的作品曾在全球多個國家展出, 並出版了首本繪本《觸.夢》。
近期的項目包括「Dazzling Bloom」和「Furtasia」個展、法國藝術學院香港騎士會員和Affordable Art Fair 聯展、舉辦野獸派講座和工作坊以及收藏家委託的肖像畫。
Jonas 擁有CUSCS的西方藝術高等文憑和英國 CIBTAC 的攝影和時尚化妝文憑。儘管她曾在護理、商業和化妝等不同領域工作,但最終她意識到繪畫才是她真正的使命。
Biafarin Award winner
Jonas Ng is a highly acclaimed oil painting artist whose work has gained significant recognition in recent years. Her signature style features vibrant and boldly colored women's faces rendered in oil, influenced by Fauvism and Expressionism. Jonas' art is deeply emotional and impactful, focusing on the complex emotions that women experience while balancing the demands of family and career. Her paintings are characterized by a vivid color diversity and rhythmic quality, which brilliantly convey the sensations she aims to depict.
She has been recognized for her exceptional work, winning Biafarin Prize and Biafarin Award, and receiving Honorable Mentioned, Artistic Excellence, and Finalist Awards from various international art competitions. Her artwork has been exhibited locally in Hong Kong and several countries worldwide, including USA, Canada, UK, Italy, and Sweden. Jonas has also published her first picture book, "Sketching Dreams."
Jonas holds an Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts from CUSCS and a Diploma in Photographic and Fashion Makeup from CIBTAC, United Kingdom. Despite pursuing various career paths, including nursing, business, and makeup fields, Jonas ultimately realized that painting was her true calling. Her passion for art has driven her to create exceptional works of art that have captured the attention and admiration of art enthusiasts worldwide.
Fauvist Painter
Professional Makeup Artist
Business Manager
Picture Book Author and Illustrator
Art Teacher
Biafarin Award Winner
Honorable Mentioned Award Winner from various International Art Competitions
Recent Award