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Mingo Li

Mingo Li is a multi-talent professional; he is not only an Artist on watercolor landscape painting but also a Heritage Conservationist and Civil & Structural Engineer. He has painted landscape watercolor painting many years. His passion on watercolor painting is to capture the light and shadow of the subject in his artwork and presented in the form of colorful and creative style.

Mingo Li has painted over hundreds of artworks in the past and participated over a hundred of local and international competition and exhibition including Hong Kong, Guilin and Xian in China; and overseas such as Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Albania, United Arabia Emirates, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan until now. In addition, he also has held numbers of solo exhibition since 2017.


李偉明是一位多才多藝的專業人士 ; 不僅是水彩風景畫藝術家,還是古建築保育師和土木與結構工程師,並且創作風景水彩畫已多年。他對水彩畫的熱情是捕捉主題的光影在他的作品中,並以豐富多色彩和創造性的風格呈現。

李偉明過去曾畫過數百件作品和參加過不同的本地及國際比賽和展覽,當中包括香港、台灣、中國的桂林和西安等國內不同的地方,而海外國際比賽和展覽亦包括: 意大利、葡萄牙、土耳其、印度、馬來西亞、越南及日本…等。此外自2017年起他亦曾多次舉辦個人展覽。

本地及國際畫會會員 (Local & International Membership)

  • 香港畫家聯會會員(Mbr of HKAS)

  • 香港水彩藝術學會會員(Mbr of HKWS)

  • 日本國際水彩畫會會員(Mbr of MJIWI)

  • 國際水彩畫協會會員(Mbr of IWS)

  • 美國水彩畫協會會員(Mbr of AWS)

  • 全國(美國)水彩畫協會會員(Mbr of NWS)

  • 賓夕法尼亞州(美國)水彩畫協會會員(Mbr of PWS)

  • 香港大學專業進修學院的「視覺藝術文憑課程」畢業,並獲得優異成績

  • HKU-SPACE Visual Art Diploma Course with Distinction)

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