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海老師 Adwin

尤偉海,香港畫家聯會會員、國際水彩畫會香港分會(IWSHK)會長、香港藏書票協會會員。 尤氏主要以油畫、水彩作為創作媒介,繪畫風格傾向精緻細膩,情感豐富。 


尤氏為財務及會計系學士,有著多重社會角色,他曾是金融專業,主職負責企業融資。尤氏作品曾入選香港當代藝術獎,及入選多個香港及國際的具知名度比賽及展覽,包括2022 NWS International Open Exhibition、Splash 22 Watercolor Competition、2020 Artistic Excellence Competition..等等 


於2012年尤氏投入藝術界,致力繪畫,曾習嶺南水墨及西洋繪畫,其後參加不同的藝術比賽,獲得良好成績,備受認可。 尤氏畫風以敘事性為主,強調故事性和畫家的情感表達。 作品曾參與本地和海外多個展覽,並為機構及私人收藏。 


Adwin Yau is currently a member of the Hong Kong Artists Association, head of the International Watercolor Society Hong Kong (IWSHK), and a member of the Hong Kong Exlibris Association. Adwin owns a Bachelor degree in Finance and Accounting. He is a financial professional who has been responsible for corporate finance.. 


In 2012, Adwin joined the art arena, studying Lingnan ink painting and Western painting. He later participated in different art competitions and obtained enouraging results. Adwin’s artworks have been selected for the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award, and have been selected for many prestigious competitions and exhibitions in Hong Kong and internationally, including 2022 NWS 102nd International Open Exhibition, Splash 22 Watercolor Competition, 2020 Artistic Excellence Competition.. etc. 


Adwin's style is mainly narrative, featuring stories and his delicate emotional expression. Oil and watercolor are his main creative media. His works have participated in many local and overseas exhibitions, and are collected by institutions and private collectors. 

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