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Daniel Smith Water-Soluble Oil - Discontinued Clearance Sale


Final Chance! The beloved Daniel Smith's water-soluble oil paints will be discontinued soon. We are now offering a 40% off clearance discount while supplies last! Friends who like water-soluble oil color, don’t miss this opportunity, come and buy your favorites colors now!


Daniel Smith 水溶性油畫顏料 - 停產清貨優惠


最後掃貨機會!一直受大家喜愛的 Daniel Smith 水溶性油畫顏料即將停產,現推出6折清貨優惠,售完即止!喜歡水溶性油畫的朋友,千萬不要錯過這個掃貨機會,快來搶購你心愛的顏色啦!




Water Soluble Painting Medium contains Safflower Oil and Alkyd Resin. Thins the paint’s consistency while keeping the drying time the same.

Daniel Smith WATER SOLUBLE MEDIUMS Painting Medium

SKU: 284391005
HK$64.00 Regular Price
HK$38.40Sale Price

40%off [ 停產清貨優惠 Clearance!! ]

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