美術活動壁報板 Art Events Notice Board
Joy in Art Gallery
Current Events 現正舉辦的活動
Romy Wu - 水彩、墨彩、速寫個展《盛開》
胡志華 - 水彩、速寫畫及水墨畫家,善用水彩、速寫及水墨山水,喜以陽光、人情、生活日常,憑籍作品引發悅賞者,以多角度留意我們平常不在意的事物,細味人生。
在這展覽中你會被Romy的清雅, 憩逸畫風所吸引, 他別出心裁地將水墨與水彩的技巧混合, 創造出活潑而優雅的畫風, 讓你百看不厭.
在埸更有多位他的學生的畫作並展, 可見師生的互動.
7月9日, 下午4:15-5:00, Romy 會有導賞, 介紹每幅畫的特色. 歡迎参加.
"Bloom" Walking through the days, gaining experiences from mentors' guidance, and seeing the enchantment from aging society, I choose to be true to myself and to draw with pleasure from my heart. I perceive painting is not about social class or hierarchy, but rather about the beauty from heart.
Romy Wu is a fine art instructor, watercolor, urban sketcher and Chinese ink artist. He is passionate in brightness and showing the beauty of life through daily episode, his sketching remind us from things around us and view lives with different lens to ponder and savor the meanings of life.
In this exhibition, you will be attracted by Romy's elegant and relaxed painting style. He ingeniously mixes ink and watercolor techniques to create a lively and relaxing painting style that you will never tire of seeing.
He also invites his students to exhibit their class works side by side, showing the interaction between teachers and students.
July 9, at 4:15-5:00 pm, Romy will have a guided tour, introducing the characteristics of each painting. Welcome to participate.
展覽期 Date & Time:
2 July – 29 July 2023
10:00am -18.30pm (Mon-Fri)
14.30pm – 18.00pm (Sat – Sun)
Lunch Hour: 13:30 - 14:30
開幕日 Opening Ceremony:
9 July 2023 5:00pm - 6:30pm
展覽導賞/ Exhibition guide tour: 4:15-5:00PM
地點 Venue: Joy In Art gallery
牛頭角勵業街 9 號同利工業大廈六樓 615 室
Rm 615. Tung Lee Building , 9 Lai Yip st. , Ngau Tau Kok , Kln