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Furtasia - Jonas Ng Solo Exhibition 


藝術家介紹 About the Artist:

Jonas Ng 是近年被受注目的女性油畫藝術家,她的標誌性風格以充滿活力和大膽色彩描繪女性肖像,深受野獸派和表現主義的影響。她的畫作以豐富多彩的顏色和有節奏的質感傳達她所表達的感覺。她曾獲取Biafarin Prize 和 Biafarin Award,以及多個國際藝術比賽的榮譽獎。她的作品曾在全球多個國家展出, 繪本著作有《觸.夢》。

Jonas Ng is a highly acclaimed oil painting artist whose work has gained significant recognition in recent years. Her signature style features vibrant and boldly colored women's faces rendered in oil, influenced by Fauvism and Expressionism. Her paintings are characterized by a vivid color diversity and rhythmic quality, which brilliantly convey the sensations she aims to depict. Jonas has won Biafarin Prize and Biafarin Award and Honorable Mention Award in many international art competitions. Her artwork has been exhibited in Hong Kong and many countries. Jonas has also published her first picture book, “Sketching Dreams”.


展覽介紹 Exhibition Introduction:


歡迎加入Jonas在Joy in Art舉辦的Furtasia個人展覽,體驗法國野獸派藝術與野生動物的迷人魅力,讓色彩與野性在這個非凡的展示中融為一體,激發您的藝術熱情和驚嘆之情。

With a fusion of vibrant palettes, expressive strokes, and a touch of whimsy, Jonas invites you to immerse yourself in a world where colors dance and animals come alive with resplendent vitality. It's an exploration of the animal kingdom that sparks the imagination and evokes a sense of wonder and joy.

Join us at Joy in Art as we unveil Jonas’s Solo "Furtasia," an exhibition that will ignite your senses and ignite your passion for the untamed beauty that surrounds us. Experience the magic of Fauvism and the captivating allure of wildlife in this extraordinary showcase of artistry and imagination.

展覽期 Date & Time:

25 Sept - 21 Oct 2023

10:00 -18.30 (Mon-Fri)

14.30 – 18.00 (Sat – Sun)

Lunch Hour: 13:30 - 14:30


開幕日 Opening Ceremony:

30 Sept 2023 (Sat) 17:00

地點 Venue: Joy In Art Gallery (How to Go)

牛頭角勵業街 9 號同利工業大廈六樓 615 室

Rm 615. Tung Lee Building , 9 Lai Yip St. , Ngau Tau Kok , Kln


Welcome to call 27803889 before visit, as the gallery will be occupied for other activities during the exhibition time


*場地部分時段有機會正進行其他活動,歡迎參觀人士預先致電2780 3880 與Joy in Art職員查詢展覽開放時段。


歡迎參加Jonas Ng Fauvism Style油畫體驗工作坊


(展覽期間限定優惠! 報名送$120 Joy in Art 購物券! 等值75折優惠*!) 

Welcome to join Jonas Ng Fauvism Style Oil Painting Workshop. Experiment with bold strokes and exciting colors,

allowing your ideas to flow freely

(Exhibition Limited Offer! Sign up and receive a $120 Joy in Art shopping voucher! Equivalent to a 25% off discount*!)

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