《第一屆 Joy in Art 水彩畫家聯展》以香港人、情、魅為主題。我們希望藉着這次聯展及一連串圍繞水彩畫的活動,讓大家發掘香港的可愛之處,從而感受到這裡的人情和魅力。 細味每幅作品,你不難找到的是描繪鄰里間的人情、或是懷抱理想的奮鬥、或是熙攘市井間的互動,這都為我們的香港增添不少色彩與魅力。
我們邀請您出席 6月10 日的開幕及頒獎典禮, 一同感受這魅力 。
時間: 2:30-5:30pm
香港藝術發展局藝術教育主席 :陳雪儀博士
Daniel Smith Senior Marketing Coordinator Ms Ethel Pajao
海津水彩毛筆創辦人 /香港國際水彩畫會會長: 尤偉海先生
周大福 Loupe 項目總監 Ms Fanny Yu
Joy In Art 致歡迎詞
致送感謝禮品給評審, 贊助商, 嘉賓展者
頒發獎品, 展覽證書給入圍展者
地點: 香港視覺藝術中心5樓展覽廳
The "Joy in Art Watercolor Exhibition", themed around the people, bonds, and charm of Hong Kong, showcases a series of watercolour that portray the warmth between neighbours, the struggle for ideals, and the intersection in urban life. Each painting adds taste and flavours to Hong Kong, reflecting the city's diversity and integration of cultures.
We invite you to attend the Opening and Awards Ceremony on June 10 to feel the charm together.
Time: 2:30-5:30pm
Address: 7A Kennedy Road above Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
Guests of honor:
Chairman, Arts Education Group of The Hong Kong Arts Development Council: Dr. Suet Chan
Daniel Smith Senior Marketing Coordinator Ms Ethel Pajao
Founder of Ocean-I / President of Hong Kong International Watercolor Society: Mr. You Weihai
Chow Tai Fook Loupe Project Director Ms Fanny Yu
Run Down
Welcome speech from Joy In Art
Speech by the guests of honor
Thank you gifts to judges, sponsors, guest exhibitors
Awarding prizes, exhibition certificates to shortlisted exhibitors
Opening ceremony
Group photo
Select your way to Hong Kong Visual Art Centre
BUS 12A - Admiralty MTR station take 12A. Get off at "St. Joseph's College, Kennedy Rd" Station
28 Minibus - Get off at "Kennedy Road (The Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)" Station
讓每位入圍参展者, 有更多空間與你溝通, 你可以在這三個展期中, 更多機會認識他們以及他們的畫作.
Let each shortlisted exhibitor has more chances to communicate with you, let you know more about their creation ideas and their paintings. You can find related exhibitors in below 3 exhibition periods.
Judges and guest exhibitions are exhibited in each period.
展期 1/ Ph 1 : 6月15-28日 (15-28 Jun) 開幕日/opening : 6月18日 ( 18 Jun), 5:30-6:60pm
展期 2/ Ph 2 : 6月30日-7月13日 (30 Jun-13 Jul) 開幕日/opening : 7月2日 ( 2 Jul), 11:00-12:00n
展期3/ Ph 3 : 7月15-30日 (15-30 Jul) 開幕日/opening : 7月16日 ( 16 Jul), 11:00-12:00n

讓你與展者近距離的溝通. 與展者的約會: 6月18日, Exhibitors Date : 18 Jun 時間 5:30-6:30pm

讓你與展者近距離的溝通. 與展者的約會: 7月2日, Exhibitors Date : 2 Jul 時間 11:00-12:00noon

讓你與展者近距離的溝通. 與展者的約會: 7月16日, Exhibitors Date : 16 Jul 時間 11:00-12:00noon