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Paul Wang (Singapore)
Daniel Smith Brand Ambassador

PAUL is a passionate art and design educator from Singapore. Inspired by his interior architecture and stage design training, his sketches are always bursting with dramatic colours. His strokes and splashes may look spontaneous but are highly choreographed. Paul’s distinctive use of vivid colours and convoluted lines seeks to encapsulate the ever-changing world. Look closely and discover the story behind each sketch.


Besides architecture and stage design, art education is his other passion and teaching fuels his creativity. He was a long-time adjunct lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic’s school of design (Singapore) as well as a visual art teacher at Singapore International School in Hong Kong. He also conducts professional drawing and painting workshops for art educators at the Singapore Teachers' Academy for the aRts (STAR).


He is currently a correspondent and active advisory board-member for the Urban Sketchers organisation.


Paul has been invited by different countries as instructor and demonstrator. and we are so excited to have Paul to conduct his workshops in Hong Kong. This is his 1st workshop for Hong Kong fans. Don't miss this chance to meet Paul face by face and learn his amazing techniques in his workshops.


‘Don’t forget to artfully Wonder & Wander!’ – Paul Wang

Locations Paul had workshops : 

















Paul Wang (5 LR).jpg
Paul in Oxford.jpg
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This series of carefully sequenced and crafted workshops aim to help you become more playful and curious in your art making journey. Every time you open your sketchbook a new exciting adventure awaits you. We just need to know how to take the first step.

These process-driven workshops are designed to spark curiosity, help you meander from a fixed point of view and rediscover the joys of playing with art tools and concepts. We will consider the dance between control and freedom, when to be intentional and when to let go, during our thinking and making. With this explorative play-based approach, students will be encouraged to question, experiment and create their own unique way of expressing themselves.

There will be many opportunities to turn happy mistakes into opportunities. Hopefully through this immersive experience we learn how to think independently inside, around and outside the ‘box’.

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Joy in Art , here with you 

門市 Retail Shop:
九龍牛頭角勵業街9號 (同利工業大廈) 6 樓 615 室

Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Saturday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

Lunch Hour (off) :            1:30pm to 2:30pm

Sunday and Public Hoilday: Close

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